Safe Drone Flight – Procedures & Practices for New Pilots

All things you need to know as a new drone pilot that aren’t a part of the Part 107 Exam

Despite what some drone manufacturer marketing materials may claim, flying a drone is a complicated thing. While drones may be able to “fly themselves” using Artificial Intelligence and collision avoidance sensors, relying on them to keep you and those around you safe is a poor strategy. Experienced drone pilots understand the many variables that flying entails. There is no substitute for experience, but we need to walk before we run (or fly). Mastering these drone skills takes time and thought, and that is where this course comes in.

What you’ll learn

  • Safe Drone Flight Techniques.
  • Standard Procedures that Professional Drone Pilots Use.
  • Practice Exercises to Increase Your Skills.
  • Pre-Flight Planning Procedures.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 4 lectures • 23min.
  • Training Wings –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Your Flight Kit –> 4 lectures • 20min.
  • Pre-Flight Planning –> 3 lectures • 19min.
  • Controller Settings –> 2 lectures • 12min.
  • Flight Environment Evaluation –> 4 lectures • 22min.
  • Practice!?! –> 6 lectures • 40min.
  • Thank You! –> 1 lecture • 2min.

Safe Drone Flight - Procedures & Practices for New Pilots


Despite what some drone manufacturer marketing materials may claim, flying a drone is a complicated thing. While drones may be able to “fly themselves” using Artificial Intelligence and collision avoidance sensors, relying on them to keep you and those around you safe is a poor strategy. Experienced drone pilots understand the many variables that flying entails. There is no substitute for experience, but we need to walk before we run (or fly). Mastering these drone skills takes time and thought, and that is where this course comes in.

I have been a licensed drone pilot since September of 2016. I have been teaching drone courses at the University level for 5 years. I have logged hundreds of flight hours, both recreationally and professionally. In short, I’m an experienced drone pilot who loves the technology and thoroughly enjoys the technical and creative nature of the game.

In this course, we walk through the basics of flying your drone with a focus on safety. As noted above, there is no substitute for experience. Yet we are all inexperienced pilots when we first begin. This doesn’t mean that we are being reckless or are doomed to crash our new drones a few times. However, it does mean that we need to rely on planning, research and patience more than we normally might. This class is designed to give you a lot to think about and introduce you to concepts that you might not have otherwise considered. It’s better to think about common situations prior to a flight than during a flight, even more so when things get hairy (and they will eventually).

My aim here is to teach you to hone your craft as you go down the road to becoming a professional drone pilot. Through careful planning, intentional practice and sticking to proper procedures, you will be flying high in no time!

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