Portrait Retouching Quickly in Adobe Photoshop

Learn with most easiest way and effective tools to retouch your portrait images in Adobe Photoshop CC Rapidly

This is the quickest and most effective course to learn retouching portraits in Adobe Photoshop.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This is the quickest and most effective course to learn retouching portraits in Adobe Photoshop.


You will learn:


What is a requirement to path this course?



This course is for whom?



* This course is fully step-by-step without skipping, I will explain any tools why we use and how to use that.

* Also this course will update based on your feedback such as questions, difficulties, and any suggestions.


My name is SAM Farzad CEO of DATEC Studio and I have over 22 years of experience working with Adobe Photoshop and over 18 years teaching in academies and universities. This is not just an hour course, it is the extraction of over 2 decades of my experience to teach you correctly and easily in the meantime.