Nft Production Workshop | Pixel Art | Cryptocurrency, Game

Learn how can you create Nft and make Pixel Art! Make 2D Art and sell with Nft! New way of crypto investment

Did you know Nft? or Have you heard that some people are making millions of dollars from Nft?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Did you know Nft? or Have you heard that some people are making millions of dollars from Nft?

Which one?

My guess second is more attractive than other.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies change our lifes. And these are not old! However now we have a new very hot trend!

We say Nft and many people know Nft sales but Billions don’t know anything about production of Nft!

This journey is about How Can You Be Nft Artist!!

After complete this journey you could be:

Does this journey just involve learning the meaning of Nft? Of course NOT!

This journey gives you new skills, new perspectives, new jobs chance and many valuable things for your life!

You will learn these skills and knowledge:

  1. Nft meaning and areas!
  2. 2D Art!
  3. Produce characters, tools and places!
  4. Create a Nft Collection!
  5. Create gaming cards!
  6. Produce Nft with different methods!
  7. Nft Marketplaces

*Please review course content for more details.




**Disclaimer: As in every sector, there are risks in the crypto money and nft sectors. Please be careful not to be deceived or misunderstood. The information contained in this course is for the purpose of introducing the sector only and allows you to see the opportunities. The information in the course is certainly not investment advice or a guarantee of profit.