Model-viewer: Web 3D made easy

Display interactive 3D models in a browser with augmented reality, AR, using no or minimal code

Model-viewer is a web component created by Google. It makes displaying user interact-able 3D models on a web page a walk in the park. In this course I show you

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Model-viewer is a web component created by Google. It makes displaying user interact-able 3D models on a web page a walk in the park. In this course I show you


The course is aimed at Front-End developers with some HTML experience wanting to use the simplest and most robust Web Component to display 3D content on a web page. No programming experience is assumed.

Working with real-time 3D is fun and playing with AR is fascinating. You’ll be amazed at how much can be done with minimal HTML mark-up.

As usual there is a 30-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

The course includes some useful examples that could form the starting templates for your own pages.

Time to bring your webpages into the 3rd dimension.

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